Saturday, 5 February 2011

Method of Research: Non-Participant Observation

Non-Participant Observation

Non-participant observation is a research technique where data is collected by observing behaviour in group functions and recording observations without interacting with the participants.
  • Gives access to natural settings.
  • Good to observe small group or individual interaction
  • Can observe ‘natural behaviour’

  • Being observed may lead people to behave differently, thus invalidating the data obtained
  • Time consuming
  • Cost can be prohibitive
  • Can be difficult to quantify and theorise results, eg data can become descriptive
  • Researchers can influence results – researcher’s presence is automatically a source of bias

Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

What topic are you planning on researching?
I am planning on researching the event of 9/11 and the conspiracy theories that surround it. My main research point is identifying the major conspiracy theories out there and what views and doubts caused them to arise.

Why are you interested in this project?
I am interested in this topic because when I went to Ground Zero in New York I was able to meet some firemen who were in the towers just before they fell down. Each individual’s story was very touching and deep and provoked an interest in me to find out more. However, there were also people at the towers blaming the Government and private sector companies for the destruction of the towers. I was intrigued to understand how a group of people could protest outside a graveyard and fire station about how their government had turned against them as well as the many documentaries were scientists have taken their time to pursuit and persuade people about the false interpretation of 9/11 being a terrorist attack. This is why I chose to study 9/11 conspiracy theories.

What are you aiming to find out?
I am aiming to find out about the different conspiracy theories that have been released and caused much controversy, the views surrounding the conspiracy theories, statements made from the US government and terrorist groups as well as views from leading scientists in this topic area.  
I want to know what causes a person or group of people to be so judgemental of facts, that they creatively structure a theory which defends a terrorist group – whom have already admitted to such an attack.
What are you planning on producing i.e. what is your final product?
I am planning on producing an essay outlining and evaluating different conspiracy theories, eventually coming to a judgement on how reliable the theories are and whether it is reasonable to take them into consideration or whether they are merely out there to cause media attention.
Within the essay, I would also like to include an eye witness’s/survivors account of the day to further shape my argument.
How will you go about doing this?
Firstly I would carry out secondary research by searching the internet and reading books. I would research the different statements released by the Government and terrorist groups regarding the day as well as the conclusions reached by opposing scientists.
Secondly, I would watch documentaries regarding both sides as well as reading the many witness accounts produced.
I have already conducted my primary research as I have been to New York and spoke first hand to a fireman that was involved in the rescue operation of the South Tower. Furthermore, I have visited the ground zero museum and gathered a range of data surrounding the event.
All the information and accounts I research will go towards the objective of my essay – to inform others- as well as forming my own concluding judgement.